|焊條|焊絲|焊材(品牌分類)>>德國STEIN焊絲焊材>>德國DRAHTZUGSTEINMEGAFIL進口MIG,MAG,SAW焊絲 | | Megafil Rutile FCW Wires Type | EN /AWS /ASME | Application | Megafil 713R | T 46 2 (4)P C(M) 1 H5 E 71 T-1 | Micro- Alloy rutile flux-cored wire with rapidly solidefying slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix. Excellent weld puddle manipulation, thus superior all-postion welding also at higher currents. Using temperature up to -40C. Particulary suited for MAG-orbital welding and all-position welding on ceramic backing. Low spatter loss, easy slag removal. Shipbuilding, steel and pressure vessel construction, mechanical engineering and pipe work. | Megafil 781R | T 46 A Z P C(M) 1 H5 E 81 T1-G | Micro- Alloy rutile flux-cored wire with rapidly solidefying slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix. Excellent weld puddle manipulation, thus superior all-postion welding. Particulary suited for mechanizedMAG welding and all-position welding on ceramic backing. Low spatter loss, easy slag removal. Weathering grades of steels. | | | | Megafil 822R | T 50 6 1Ni P M1 H5 T 46 4 1Ni P C1 H5 E 81 T1-Ni1 | Micro- Alloy rutile flux-cored wire with rapidly solidefying slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix. Excellent weld puddle manipulation, thus superior all-postion welding. Using temperature up to -60C. Particularly suited for MAG orbital welding applications and all-position welding on ceramic backing. Low spatter loss, easy slag removal. CTOD-tested for offshore applications. Shipbuilding, steel and pressure vessel construction, mechanical engineering and pipe work. | Megafil 825R | T 46 A P M1 H5 E 81T1-A1 | Micro-alloy rutile flux-cored wire with rapidly solidfying slag for Ar-C02 mix. Excellent weld puddle manipulation, thus superior all-postion welding. Particulary suited for mechanizedMAG welding and all-position welding on ceramic backing. Low spatter loss, easy slag removal. Shipbuilding, steel and pressure vessel construction, mechanical engineering and pipe work. | Megafil 836R | T CrMo 1 P M 1 H5 E 81 T1-B2 | Still in research | Megafil 690R | T 69 6 Mn2,5Ni P M 2 H5 E 110 T5-K4 | Micro- Alloy rutile flux-cored wire with rapidly solidefying slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix. Excellent weld puddle manipulation, thus superior all-postion welding. Using temperature up to -60C. Particularly suited for MAG orbital welding applications and all-position welding on ceramic backing. Low spatter loss, easy slag removal. Recomendedfor offshore applications that requires yield strenght up to 690 N/mm2. Approved by LLoyds (4Y69) and DNV. (The first and only seamless fluxcored rutile wire for StE 690 on the marked ! ) |
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